(updated 19/4/2023)


Visale is a website that you can apply for a free guarantee for your housing rental in France. Housing rental guarantee is mandatory in France.

In order to be a candidate for visale, you have to meet the following conditions:

  • You have no job (with a professional contract)
  • You are not a apprentice nor on alternance (apprenti, alternance)
  • You are under 30 years old
  • Your rent is under 800 euros

To apply for a Visale, you need: 

  • a valid identity (passport + valide visa/titre de séjour)
  • Your certificat de scholarité (or admission letter if it is before the certificat is given)
  • OFII form (Confirmation de la validation de l’enregistrement de votre visa long séjour valant titre de séjour) that you must do upon arriving in France

The site for application is https://www.visale.fr/ 

Unluckily there is no English version for this site.

Create an account

The part that we need is the “LOCATAIRE”, on the top right corner (highlighted here)

But first we need to create an account. Click on the same page: MON ESPACE VISALE (my visale space), top right corner.

Here click Je suis locataire (I am a tenant).

Choose Je m’inscrite à Visale (I register) in the Je n’ai pas encore d’espace visale section to create an account (if you already have one, you can login on the left)

Usually, for intermediary organisation, we choose no if we are not in contact with one. Clique Créer mon compte to create the account.


Login after registration, you’ll start the application by clicking Demander un visa. (the demonstration is grey because the creator still has a valid visale)

The following contents are taken from video and documents made by Campus France. (https://www.campusfrance.org/fr/VISALE-caution-locative-etudiante-gratuite)

and confirm to hand in your application. 

If all documents are good, you will receive your visale in a few days (work days).